The H-Link is the connection between an H2000 or H3000 and a PC. It is also used to connect the H3000 to the Zeus unit (not the Zeus Touch).

There is some difference between H2000 and H3000 H-link:

  • Different connector
  • H2000 has a <CR> as a delimeter
  • H3000 has a <CR><LF> as a delimeter
  • H3000 uses a checksum (8 bit exclusive OR, at the end of the sentence (e.g. *2F)
  • H3000 speed: Baud Rate 115200, Parity  None, Data bits  8, Stop bits  1
  • H2000 speed: Baud rate      9600, Parity  Even,  Data bits  7, Stop bits  1 (default RS232 setting: 6.2)
  • Columns and rows are swapped for polar and other calibration tables
  • Less commands?
  • H2000 is not compatible with the Zeus Touch
  • H2000 H-link uses the RTS and CTS options

Also the H3000 has 2 "levels" of H-link, H-link LT and H-Link Pro, the Pro is only available at H3000 systems with polars, the Hercules Performance and Hercules Motion. This is because the polar data is only available at the Hercules Performance and Hercules Motion. H-Link LT only gives you access to the True Wind Correction tables


H3000 Table output

Output from Table: #TO[,t[,r[,c]]]
Input to Table: #TI,t,r,c,v

t=table (see below)
v=input data

The output table (table id, name, columns, rows)

0 Boat Speed Linearity/Heel Angle Correction 7 3
1 True Wind Angle correction value 7 3
2 True Wind Speed correction value 7 1
3 True Wind Speed downwind angle 7 1
4 Polar Table 22 10

H3000 Commands

#IV,nnn,mmm,fff,xx.xx[,t..t] (Input Value, text is max 8 characters)
#OV,nnn,mmm,fff[,o] (Output Value)
#OL[,0|1] Output Latitude and Longitude
#OS[,0|1]  Start/stop automatic output
#TO[,t[,r[,c]]]  Output from Table
#TI,t,r,c,v  Input to Table
#TC,st,d  Trip Control
#RV,nn Display software version number


H2000 commands

#IC,n,x..x Input calibration value
#ID,n,XX Input damping value
#IR,nn,a...a,c...c Input remote channel data and text
#IT,nn,c....c Input text for Hercules channel
#IV,nnn,mmm,fff,xx.xx,t...t Input Value
#NI,s,a... Send network or NMEA message
#NO,s,a... Output from network or NMEA
#NS,p,fff,r NMEA output rate selection
#OA,nn Output alarm
#OB Output Basic Data Immediately
#OB,s Automatic output of basic data enable/disable
#OC,n Output calibration
#OD,n Output damping value
#OE,nn,s,h Automatic output enable /disable
#OI,nn,s Output data immediately
#OL Output Latitude and Longitude
#OS,s Start/stop automatic output
#OT,nn,h(R) Output text immediately
#OV,nnn,mmm,fff Output value
#PI,s,nn,xx.xx Polar input
#PO,s,nn Polar output
#PR Output table selection and rating
#PR,s,xx.xx Input table selection and rating
#PW,s,xx.x Enter polar windspeed
#RC,nn,cc Assign remote channel
#RM,ssss,ffff Display performance unit memory
#RV,nn Display software version number
#TC,t,l,d Trip Control
#TC Output trip status
#TO,s,nn Output wind correction (changed in H3000)
#TI,s,nn,y...y Input wind correction (changed in H3000)