Welcome to my site about (Microsoft) Technology, Sailing (creating polair diagrams, B&G Hydra/H2000, Fastnet bus) and about Robotics.
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Visualizing a Graph in Microsoft Sentinel
In this Tutorial we will have a look at creating a simple Graph and visualize it in Azure Sentinel.
I started exploring this for an Advent of Code
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MDC Enable Defender for Containers through Azure CLI
Enabling the Defender for Containers on Microsoft Defender for Cloud through the Azure CLI
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Removing tenant level user access administrator
An Azure AD administrator can give itself permission on all Azure Subscriptions. This can be seen on the IAM page of a subscription, where a User Access Administrator with scope ”/” is found.
A person can only clear this in the UI for himself, not for another user. By using the Azure CLI, we can remove this permission
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Keeping track of App Registrations and Enterprise Apps
In this post we will have a look at managing Enterprise Apps and App Registrations What do we want to add:
- Add Owner of the app
- Add description about the app
Microsoft Sentinel Repositories to push CI/CD changes to Sentinel
With the latest announcement (november 8th, 2021) on Repository support in Microsoft Sentinel, we now have a supported workflow to enable Continoud Deployment integration from Azure DevOps or GitHub: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-sentinel-blog/enable-continuous-deployment-natively-with-microsoft-sentinel/ba-p/2929413
Out of the box the following content types are supported
- Analytic rules
- Automation rules
- Hunting queries
- Parsers
- Playbooks
- Workbooks
But with some tweaks we can also deploy Sentinel Watchlist, with some issues regarding updating/deleting content
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Use LogStash to copy SQL table with audit logs data to Microsoft Sentinel
The goal of this experiment was to get a LogStash instance running in Docker to copy on-premise SQL Server data to Sentinel. If your application is still emitting data only to a SQL table and no other sources are available, this is a trick to get data into Sentinel until a permanent solution has been created.
This is a first experiment, so no production ready code:
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AzureDevOpsAuditing with Sentinel
Azure DevOps streaming was recently introduced. This allows you to directly get the Azure Audit logs into a SIEM solution like Azure Sentinel, without writing custom Powershell/Rest code.
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Moved my blog to jekyll
Instead of upgrading my Orchard instances, I decided to move to Jekyll hosted on github pages.
A cleanup of old content was done as well
Some lessons learned:
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CISO's guide to Microsoft Secure Score
(this post will be updated with new tips and tricks, and when changes happen on Secure Score)
Microsoft offers a Scoring website for the IT Security status of it’s cloud services called Secure Score. This Secure Score (https://security.microsoft.com/securescore) mentions all the steps to take to enhance security.
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B and G Wind bearings replacement
The official B & G bearings for the wind angle and wind speed are quite expensive. Why not buy some 3rd party bearings for 10% of the original price.
Type: SFR2-5ZZ
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Azure API management tips & tricks
Just some random notes on Azure API management:
Parse JWT in Azure API management policy:
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API Management DTAP lessons learned
With API management we have seperate environments for Development, Test and Production.
The best way to move an API from one environment to the other is through GIT at this moment.
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Troubleshooting IIS Client Certificate issues
IIS has the option to require client certificates, but setting this up requires all settings to be set correctly.
The question
The customer question was that during a security audit, the server returned no root certificates, and not a list of trusted certificates. Error: No client certificate CA names sent
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